This past Spring I had the great pleasure of enjoying a visit from a dear friend while I was retreating on Maui to work on some projects. During this exquisite visit I was frequently awestruck by the amazing memories we were in the midst of making. I naturally practiced a standard (for me) life enriching skill that I’ve come to refer to as “Pause & Savor” or having a P.S. opportunity. Here’s more……….
For a very long time I’ve made it a habit…… a smart and beneficial habit I might add, of recognizing when I’m swirling with the kinds of feelings that I would just love, love, love to have more of and feeling them as intently as possible for a few moments before moving on to my next focus.
My internal and sometimes external notation goes something like this: “Yes………. Yum…………. Pause & Savor………… yes………… yum yum yummy, more of this please……….. I really love feeling like this and would like to feel just like this even more frequently…….. more like this or even better please.” This started as an instinctive impulse and has become part of my way of creating a better and better life experience.
Even if your life doesn’t offer an abundance of these moments throughout any given day what I feel confident about, and offer up for your consideration, is my solid belief that the more you shine your attention on the good feeling stuff of life the more good feeling stuff you’ll have to shine your attention on!
Not sure about this??????
How about an experiment?
Give it a try for a month…….. write this intention down….. post-its are my helpers… I put them all around. Especially where you’ll be reminded of this before you fall asleep and first thing when you wake.
Take note of what happens.
Let this be what you tell others about when they ask how you’re doing.
Enjoy the benefits.
Report back!
I’m loving the idea that this might even bring more pleasing life results to even one of you out there wherever you are!
Smiling in anticipation,