Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The DaelyDose Beauty Blog - Refreshment Reminder!


Refreshment Reminder!

One of the best gifts you can give your facial skin (as well as your hair) is a hydrating, toning spritz of floral water. Keeping yourself abundantly hydrated inside and out will vastly improve the quality and radiance of your skin.  We all know this right?  So the mission at hand is more about integrating consistent self-loving habits into our daily practice.  I find it easiest to pair a new habit with some consistent routine I already have fully in mode.

I have spritzers in wall mounted votive candle holders all over my “rolling gypsy cottage” so that I’m always just an arms reach away from this delightful refresher………………. And………….. often I’ll spend long spans of time on my computer without bring prompted to spritz as I am when moving about my pad.  So I’ve asked for an idea and one came immediately.  I’m keeping a spritzer right in my computer zone and every time I hit the refresh button on my computer it reminds me to give myself the ‘small but mighty” kind of love that comes from this simple act of self-care.

For those of you who have yet to have the experiential awareness of the benefits of spritzing…………… you gotta get on it!  Seriously!

So there you have it.

Reminding You To Love Yourself Well!

Click here to check out the Floral Water Spritzers I offer.......... They're amazing....

Monday, October 17, 2011

The DaelyDose - Fungal Infections

 dae on phone

Hi Dae, I hope this finds you well! I'm wondering what you know about fungal infections and treating them - on the skin, on the nails, on the scalp? and internally?
Much love to you!


Hi there…. Such a good question!  I’m going to publish this question along with my response as I believe there are many who would want to know about this type of rebalancing.

The knowledge and experience I have gained on this topic is both thru external sources as well as my own personal process.  Seems like it boils down to not feeding the little fungal folks while at the same time creating an internal atmosphere that is not conducive to their expansion.

They essentially eat sweet or anything that converts into sweet.  Such as starches like corn, rice, breads.

They can’t survive very well without regular food and are seriously moved along by anti-fungal allies such as:

Pau D’Arco
Olive Leaf Extract
Oregano Oil
Garlic  - I like the aged odorless type like Kyolic
Cultured Foods
Apple Cider Vinegar

There’s a long list and the Body Ecology Diet is one of the best resources for information, products and support.

Topically you can do well with natural anti-fungal salves and creams as well as essential oils.  It’s easy to find lists of botanical options that are potent anti-fungal entities.

This out of balance condition is present in so many and when you shift your internal environment to be one that is chalk full of healthy bacteria the list of benefits is very, very long!

I hope you find inspiration in any of this!

Much Love,


Monday, October 3, 2011

Pause & Savor

This past Spring I had the great pleasure of enjoying a visit from a dear friend while I was retreating on Maui to work on some projects.  During this exquisite visit I was frequently awestruck by the amazing memories we were in the midst of making.  I naturally practiced a standard (for me) life enriching skill that I’ve come to refer to as “Pause & Savor” or having a P.S. opportunity.  Here’s more……….

For a very long time I’ve made it a habit…… a smart and beneficial habit I might add,  of recognizing when I’m swirling with the kinds of feelings that I would just love, love, love to have more of and feeling them as intently as possible for a few moments before moving on to my next focus. 

My internal and sometimes external notation goes something like this:  “Yes………. Yum…………. Pause & Savor………… yes………… yum yum yummy, more of this please……….. I really love feeling like this and would like to feel just like this even more frequently…….. more like this or even better please.”  This started as an instinctive impulse and has become part of my way of creating a better and better life experience. 

Even if your life doesn’t offer an abundance of these moments throughout any given day what I feel confident about, and offer up for your consideration, is my solid belief that the more you shine your attention on the good feeling stuff of life the more good feeling stuff you’ll have to shine your attention on! 

Not sure about this??????

How about an experiment?

Give it a try for a month…….. write this intention down….. post-its are my helpers… I put them all around.  Especially where you’ll be reminded of this before you fall asleep and first thing when you wake. 

Take note of what happens.

Let this be what you tell others about when they ask how you’re doing.

Enjoy the benefits.

Report back!

I’m loving the idea that this might even bring more pleasing life results to even one of you out there wherever you are!

Smiling in anticipation,